There are so many amazing lines in this song.
“You don’t come here for no reason… surrounded by smallness.. you know what your country cousins did behind the woodshed.”
It paints a striking picture of strength, struggle and independence.
I think about making one’s way, making a life without the creature comforts people have grown used to in the cities.
You make your own opportunities and work with your people.
I respect a fierce loyalty to family. We take care of our own.
I think that sometimes can get lost in city life. The safety net is a lot bigger in the city.
You grow up resourceful when you grow up in the country.
You learn how to fix things. You learn how to make things. You learn what it means to prepare for hard times.
You can’t just run down for a gallon of milk.
That’s why I liked doing rural home healthcare. The strength and the people who are used to doing for themselves.
In the country, you know your neighbors. How many people know your neighbors in your neighborhood these days?
Most of my childhood years were in rural Indiana. I think about how life would be different if you grew up in a city. I guess you get a different skill set. Is one better than the other? It’s hard to say.
I think you look at problems differently.
Maybe it has something to do with the anonymity of city life as opposed to country life. You don’t go unnoticed in country life. Everyone knows everyone.
In a big city, you may not see the same person ever again. What does that do to you? To ride the "L" in Chicago, you and how many thousands of people taking the train every day. Being in such close proximity and no one talking to anyone.
In a small town, you can’t not talk to somebody.
As an example, I remember when I first moved to South Carolina – and someone asked me how are you doing today. I gave a standard, fine, answer – but it occurred to me after, no they really meant it. It wasn’t a perfunctory comment. I thought, wow, that’s kind of neat. I think we lose things like that if we’re not careful.
Sometimes we gotta slow down, or we’ll miss the good stuff.
Here’s “Appalachia Kid” words and music Pete Garfinkel and Amanda Colleen Williams